
Business bulletin

中化三环(桂林) 航空轮胎有限公司10万条/年高性能民用航空轮胎项目【三次采购】项目公告

发布时间:2023-01-11 19:37:10

本采购项目10万条/年高性能民用航空轮胎项目, 采购人为中化三环(桂林) 航空轮胎有限公司, 采购代理机构为中化商务有限公司。资金来自企业自筹, 出资比例为100%, 资金落实情况为已落实。项目已具备采购条件, 中化商务有限公司(采购代理机构) 受中化三环(桂林) 航空轮胎有限公司(采购人) 的委托, 就如下项目采用竞争性谈判方式进行采购For the Project of purchasing 100,000 pieces/a high-performance civil aviation tires, the purchaser is Sinochem Three Ring (Guilin) Aviation Tire Co., Ltd, and the procurement agent is Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. The funds are raised by the enterprise itself, with 100% contribution, and the funds has been in place. The procurement conditions have been met in terms of the Project. Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd. (the procurement agent) is entrusted by Sinochem Three Ring (Guilin) Aviation Tire Co., Ltd (the Purchaser) to purchase the following items through competitive negotiation.

  1. 项目名称: 10万条/年高性能民用航空轮胎项目The project name: 100,000 pieces/a high-performance civil aviation tire project

  2. 项目编号: 0747-2240SCCZAA96 Project No.: 0747-2240SCCZAA96

  3. 采购人名称: 中化三环(桂林) 航空轮胎有限公司Name of Purchaser: Sinochem Three Ring (Guilin) Aviation Tire Co., Ltd

  4. 采购人地址: 广西壮族自治区桂林市七星区横塘路55
    Address of the Purchaser: No. 55, Hengtang Road, Qixing District, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  5. 采购内容与范围: Procurement content and scope:

    (1) 采购范围: 胎面缠绕机; Tread winding machine;

    (2) 数量: 2台(单工位缠绕)或者1台(双工位缠绕); Quantity: 2 sets (single station winding) or 1 set (double station winding)

    (3) 通过本次谈判, 将按照综合评分从高到低选取得分排名第一的供应商作为本项目的成交供应商, 签订《采购合同》;
    Through this negotiation, the supplier ranking first according to the comprehensive score from high to low will be selected as the supplier of the Project to sign the Procurement Contract;

    (4) 交货地点: Place of delivery

    关境内供应商: 项目现场, 广西壮族自治区桂林市七星区横塘路51;

    Supplier from inside the PRC customs territory: Project site, No. 51, Hengtang Road, Qixing District, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region;

    关境外供应商: EXW(工厂交货)。

    Supplier from outside the PRC customs territory: EXW.

    (5) 交货期: Time of delivery:

    关境内供应商: 合同生效后11个月内完成安装调试;

    For the supplier from inside the PRC customs territory: The installation and commissioning shall be completed within 11 months as of effectiveness of contract;

    关境外供应商: 合同生效后10个月内设备具备出厂条件,设备运抵项目现场后30天内协助完成安装调试并具备生产使用条件。

    For the supplier outside the PRC customs territory: Within 10 months after the contract comes into effect, the equipment shall be ready for delivery, and within 30 days after the equipment arrives at the project site, the equipment shall be assisted to complete the installation and commissioning and meet the production and use conditions.

  6. 供应商资格要求Qualification requirements for the supplier

    (1) 供应商必须是制造商或制造商唯一授权的代理商(本项目所述制造商为胎面缠绕机的整体集成商) 。如为代理商参与谈判, 供应商必须提交货物制造商针对本项目的唯一授权书, 否则, 将否决其谈判; The supplier must be the manufacturer or the only authorized agent of the manufacturer (the "manufacturer" mentioned in the Project is the whole integrator of the electronic grinding machine). If it is the agent who participates in the negotiation, the supplier shall submit the sole letter of authorization of the goods manufacturer for the Project, otherwise, the negotiation will be rejected;

    (2) 供应商如为制造商, 须提供营业执照(营业登记类证明文件) 或经营许可证明文件。供应商如为代理商, 除提供自身营业执照(营业登记类证明文件) 或经营许可证明文件, 还须提供制造商的营业执照(营业登记类证明文件) 或经营许可证明文件; If the supplier is the manufacturer, it shall provide a business license (business registration certificate) or business permit. If the supplier is an agent, in addition to its own business license (business registration certificate) or business permit, it shall provide the manufacturer's business license (business registration certificate) or business permit;

    (3) 至谈判截止时间, 关境内供应商若被信用中国网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn) 列入失信被执行人名单, 其谈判将被否决; If, by the end of negotiation, the supplier from inside the PRC customs territory is included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement by "Credit China" website (www.creditchina.gov.cn), the negotiation will be rejected;

    (4) 本次谈判不接受联合体。The joint venture negotiation is not accepted.

  7. 谈判文件购买: Purchase of negotiation documents:

    凡有意参加谈判的供应商请于2023111日上午900分至2023116日下午1700, 登陆中化商务电子招投标平台http://e.sinochemitc.com/下载电子版谈判文件。潜在供应商需先进行网上注册(免费) 。支付成功后, 可下载谈判文件及增值税电子普通发票。如遇技术问题, 请拨打平台技术支持联系电话: 010-8639 1277

    Suppliers who intend to participate in the negotiation are requested to download the electronic negotiation documents from 9:00 a.m. on January 11th, 2022 to 5:00 p.m. on January 16th, 2023 on the Sinochem Commerce e-bidding platform (http://e.sinochemitc.com/). Potential suppliers need to register online first (free of charge). After successful payment, negotiation documents and electronic plain VAT invoices can be downloaded. In case of any technical problems, please call the platform technical support contact number: 010-8639 1277.

    本谈判文件售价为人民币0/包件, 电子平台使用费人民币1000/包件或150美元/包件。售后不退。支付成功后, 可下载谈判文件及增值税电子普通发票。

    The price of this negotiation document is RMB 0/package, and the fee for the use of electronic platform is RMB 1,000/package or USD 150/package. Non-refundable after sales. After successful payment, negotiation documents and electronic plain VAT invoices can be downloaded.

    未在中化商务有限公司登记购买本谈判文件的供应商, 其响应将被否决

    For suppliers who fail to register the purchase of this negotiation document with Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd., its response will be rejected.

  8. 响应文件递交截止时间: 2023117日北京时间上午900, 在截止时间后送达的响应文件为无效文件, 拒绝接收。
    The deadline for submission of response documents is 9:00 a.m. on January 17th, 2023 (Beijing time). The response documents delivered after the deadline are invalid and will be rejected.

    本次采购采用全流程线上解密及评审, 供应商须在响应文件递交截止时间前将签字盖章的响应文件彩色扫描上传至中化商务电子招投标平台http://e.sinochemitc.com/, 至文件递交截止时间平台将自动进行响应文件解密。同时供应商须递交纸质版响应文件供采购人归档使用。

    The whole process of online decryption and review is adopted for this procurement. The supplier shall upload the color scanning of the signed and stamped response documents to the Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform (http://e.sinochemitc.com/) before the deadline for submission of response documents, and the platform will automatically decrypt the response documents by the deadline for submission of documents. At the same time, the supplier shall submit paper response documents for the purchaser's filing.

    请供应商于将纸字版响应文件密封后快递至: 北京市西城区复兴门外大街A2号西城金茂中心20(邮编100045) , 王宏伟收, 010-5936 9527(座机呼叫转移至个人手机) The supplier is requested to seal the paper response documents and send them by express to below recipient and address:Recipients: Wang Hongwei

    Tel.: 010-5936 9527 (call landline before transferring to personal mobile phone)

    Address: 20/F, Xicheng Jinmao Center, No. A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100045.

  9. 响应文件递交地点: 中化商务电子招投标平台http://e.sinochemitc.com/
    Place for submission of response documents: Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform (http://e.sinochemitc.com/)

  10. 响应文件开启时间: 2023117日北京时间上午900分。Opening time of response documents: 9:00 a.m. on January 17th, 2023 (Beijing time).

  11. 响应文件开启地点: 中化商务电子招投标平台http://e.sinochemitc.com/
    Opening place of response documents: Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform (http://e.sinochemitc.com/)

  12. 本次谈判分如下步骤: This negotiation is divided into the following steps:

    步骤一: 所有拟参加本项目谈判的供应商应于2023117日北京时间上午900之前将电子版响应文件上传至中化商务电子招投标平台http://e.sinochemitc.com/。由谈判小组对供应商的资质、商务、服务响应方案等进行初审。
    Step 1: All suppliers to participate in the negotiation of the Project shall upload the electronic response documents to the Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform (http://e.sinochemitc.com/) before 9:00 a.m. on January 17th, 2023 (Beijing time). The negotiation team shall conduct a preliminary review of the supplier's qualification, business, service response plan, etc.

    步骤二: 根据各供应商应答情况, 谈判小组将以本谈判文件的内容为基础, 分别召集所有通过响应文件初审的供应商就服务需求、服务范围以及价格进行单独谈判。在谈判期间, 谈判小组可要求供应商对其响应文件中含义不明确、同类问题表述不一致或者有明显文字和计算错误的内容等作出必要的澄清、说明或者更正, 但有关澄清的要求和答复均应以书面形式提交。

    Step 2: According to the response of each supplier, the negotiation team shall, based on the contents of this negotiation document, convene all suppliers who have passed the preliminary review of the response document to negotiate separately on service demand, service scope and price. During the negotiation, the negotiation team may require the supplier to make necessary clarifications, explanations or corrections to the ambiguous meaning in its response documents, inconsistent expressions of similar issues or contents with obvious written and calculation errors, but the requirements and replies for clarification shall be submitted in writing.

    在谈判过程中, 谈判小组可以根据谈判文件和谈判情况实质性变动采购需求中的服务要求以及合同草案条款, 但不得变动谈判文件中的其他内容。实质性变动的内容, 须经采购人代表确认。对谈判文件作出的实质性变动是谈判文件的有效组成部分, 谈判小组应当及时以书面形式同时通知所有参加谈判的供应商。供应商应当按照谈判文件的变动情况和谈判小组的要求重新提交响应文件, 并由其法定代表人或授权代表签字或签章或者加盖公章。由授权代表签字或签章的, 应当附法定代表人(单位负责人) 授权书。

    During the negotiation, the negotiation team may substantially change the service requirements in the procurement requirements and the terms of the draft contract according to the negotiation documents and the negotiation situation, but shall not change other contents in the negotiation documents. The substantial changes shall be confirmed by the purchaser's representative. Substantial changes to the negotiation documents are an effective integral part of the negotiation documents, and the negotiation team shall promptly notify all suppliers participating in the negotiation about the changes in writing at the same time. The supplier shall resubmit the response documents in accordance with the changes in the negotiation documents and the requirements of the negotiation team, and the response documents shall be signed or sealed or affixed with the official seal by its legal representative or authorized representative. If it is signed or sealed by the authorized representative, the letter of authorization of the legal representative (corporate responsible person) shall be attached.

    步骤三: 经谈判并审核合格, 并得到采购代理机构通知的供应商应于采购代理机构规定的时间(另行通知) , 按谈判最终确定的服务要求、服务范围将最后报价发送到中化商务电子招投标平台http://e.sinochemitc.com/。谈判小组采用综合评分法对提交最后报价的供应商的响应文件和最后报价进行综合评分。
    Step 3: Suppliers who have passed the negotiation and review and have been notified by the procurement agent shall upload the final quotation to the Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding Platform (http://e.sinochemitc.com/) at the time specified by the procurement agent (to be notified separately) according to the service requirements and service scope finally determined through negotiation. The negotiation team adopts the comprehensive scoring method to comprehensively score the response documents and final quotation of the supplier submitting the final quotation.

  13. 评审标准: 谈判小组应当根据综合评分情况, 按照评审得分由高到低顺序推荐成交候选供应商。评审得分相同的, 按照最后报价由低到高的顺序推荐。评审得分且最后报价相同的, 按照服务响应方案优劣顺序推荐。Evaluation criteria: The negotiation team shall recommend the successful candidate suppliers according to the comprehensive scoring and the evaluation score from high to low. If the evaluation scores are the same, the negotiation team shall recommend in the order of suppliers’ final quotation from low to high. If both the evaluation score and the final quotation are the same, the negotiation team shall recommend according to the service response scheme from best to least good.

    采购代理机构: 中化商务有限公司

    Procurement agent: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.

    地址: 北京复兴门外大街A2号西城金茂中心(邮编: 100045)

    Address: Xicheng Jinmao Center, No. A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing, 100045

    业务联系人: 姜源、王宏伟、黄凡、巩俊萍

    Business contact person:Jiang Yuan, Wang Hongwei, Huang Fan and Gong Junping.

    电话: +86 10 5936 9527

    Tel: +86 10 5936 9527

    传真: +86 10 5936 9136

    Fax: +86 10 5936 9136

    电子邮件: Wanghongwei02@sinochem.com

    Email: Wanghongwei02@sinochem.com

  14. 外币购买招标文件账号: Account information for purchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies):

    户名: 中化商务有限公司

    Account name: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.

    开户行: 中国银行股份有限公司北京丰台支行

    Bank Name: Bank of China, Beijing Fengtai Sub-Branch

    账号: 348056025289

    Account No.: 348056025289

    SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ 110